How does the application process work?

Through this website, there is a single, online application that a student completes.  All Victor High School Seniors are eligible to apply.  Based on the student's responses, the system will automatically highlight any of the Named or General scholarships that he or she is eligible for.  Some scholarships may require additional information, while others will require nothing more than the online application.  And here's where the National organization provides a significant additional benefit - that same application is used to determine if the student is eligible for any scholarships offered by the national Scholarship America organization, or any of the other nearly 1,000 local chapters. 



How are the scholarship recipients selected?

Criteria for scholarships cover any one or more of the following: academic success, athletic participation, community service, school involvement, work experience, future college plans (type of major, type of college, specific college), leadership roles, as well as financial need. Once the application process is complete and the system selects potential recipients for each scholarship, a selection committee, comprised of the Dollars for Scholars Board, teachers and administrators, will review the final applicants and select the winners.

Click here for the full list of scholarships and criteria



How do you guard the privacy of the applicants?

The online application system is built and managed by the national Scholarship America organization.  All financial information is reviewed and scored by the system without any data being visible to Victor Scholarship Program Dollars for Scholars volunteers.  The final, confidential review of applications (excluding financial data) will be conducted by the Victor Scholarship Program Dollars for Scholars Awards committee and no information will be shared outside of that group.